Sunday, March 31, 2013

Garcia Montero 2013

Un poema en honor de mi nuevo poeta favorito Luis García Montero...

Garcia Montero 2013

"amor, verte desnuda
es comprender el hueco de mis manos"
Puedo imaginar tu voz
diciendo esto a alguna amante
que ha tocado tu vida, por un rato
Me hace pensar en la forma de mi cuerpo
y las frases que podría inspirar(te)
"comprender el hueco de mis manos"
quizás la escasez que es la soledad
el propósito que encontramos en el amor
De verdad, poeta, yo no sé
qué querías decir al escribir eso o
qué quieres decir ahora que lo leo
Pero me encanta pronosticar

Feliz Pascua !

A spring tree doodle for today :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

There's something about a poet

Here is a poem about my newly found infatuation with writers and poets, the cousins of us visual artists :)

There's something about a poet

When I was a little girl
If you had said "Sydney, you will be infatuated with poets"
Number one, I would have asked you how do you "infatuate"
And number two I wouldn't have believed you
Little girls dream of knights and princes
Or street rats with potential like Aladdin
And yet here I am on this couch reading words
and grinning like a fool
Words, words, words
No longer do they sit on the page mocking me
quiet and self-centered
They rise and fall
They color my mind and jitter my thoughts
So while he may not wield a sword
There is something to be said for a man
who can wield a pen

I will keep you

I wrote this today thinking of how many people I have sacrificed to the altar of "relationships"

I will keep you

When I met you I knew I liked you
Sweet and fun
quirky enough to make me comfortable
We were instant friends
Like a bag of Lipton in a cup
You and I filled each other with laughter and happiness
And yet in a little time we felt different
We felt something more
You wanted me
I wanted you
But the thing is dear friend
You are too special to lose
And my wrap sheet contains nothing
But three month explosions I call
With dopes I would never utter a syllable to today
Thus I will keep you,
Despite the firecracker nature of my heart
I will protect you from her
That version of me that sucks the marrow
not only from life
but from people
You must never draw near to my altar
You are too precious to be a sacrifice
Which would only quench my bloodlust so long
I will not offer you up
Because I intend to keep you

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Subtle Curve

Hello everyone,
I decided to start this blog to share my work with a larger group of friends :)
So I will be periodically putting up poems and sketches and paintings that I have made and new ones as I make them. Thus in that spirit I will share a fun little poem I wrote after pining over the idea of being more androgynous :)

Subtle Curve
I've seen the subtle curve
The elegant tall girl 
Who's graceful hips 
Slide down her body
Into her skinny legs
Drip drop

My hips are not subtle
They do not slide down 
Like butter cross a skillet
They pop like bacon grease 
Straight out the pan
Sizzle wham!